Sunday, October 30, 2011

Exiting news guys ;)

So, here we have
- Raphaela Andreou in charge of the Fashion Section
- Georgia Ioannou in charge of the Relationships section
- Sofia-Zlata still thinking
- yours truly fucking about.
- Anastasia Nikolaeva doing a guest feature on events & travel.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

re-birth of blog

Today, after a slightly drunken night in Paradiso, the fate of this blog has been desided.
No more rendom ramblings, no more me going on and on.

Now is what YOU want to read and HOW you want it.

So coming up are:

talks about whats going on, both CY and everywhere.
We will tell you the hottest places to be, the best parties to attend.

Fashion reviews
We will review websites, where to get stuff from, and what is the coolest thing right now.

Guest features
Yes, in case you haven't notised, I'm talking plural, so in future expect
A relationships feture, a photography and art feature, and just guest stuff.

If all goes well, this should be finalised in a week.
( that goes to say the blog won't be dormant for a week)
Ever had that mood when you're about to tell someone that you will marry them and have their children? Even if they don't want to, you don't give a shit, you'll do it?
I'm in one of those right now.
I watched this, and I just wanted to comment.
The girl is just eight, and she is starving herself.
My question is, who is to blame?
is it the parents who didnt make her feel loved enough?
or maybe she was just seeking attention?
or is it the media?
but on the other hand, HOW could an eight year old even consider that?
I used to play with toys when I was eight!
I don't think she would be that exposed to media that she can gain an obsession with thinness.

today is the day of random youtube videos.
so get comfy on your spofas and watch the weirdest things!

Friday, October 28, 2011


just imagine...

one day, you wake up, and all you ever had is gone..
the city is full of darkness, the streets are full of strangers.
you have nothing
you own nothing
you are nothing...
would you be scared?

or picture yourself
on the corner of the bisy street
and then pretend that you do not exist
and see, how the world goes on without you.
because it doesnt need you

just imagine.. and let go
Never, ever, re-read old inbox mesages.
I just wish I could be back home with you.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

“Everything will turn out right, the world is built on that.”
Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita

just wanted to say

Cyprus is one hell of a weird country.
And don't start with your nationalism. I love cyprus.
Could you possibly explain why
That try to chat you you up don't just come up to you and say hi, whatssup, wanna go eat some souvla or something
They have to scream ( and I really mean SCREAM) from cars, cough behind you ( The best is when they do that in a dark allyway at 4AM when you're going home after a club), or just stare. Thats the scariest, I always think they are plotting to rape me or something..

Guys, please, stop scaring us. We don't bite.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

wassup people?

How are you all? Reminding you that this month's giveaway is a VS Passport holder, sign up to get it!

& I just want to share this simple fact - never ever order carnival costumes from the internet. I just got mine and I look like a pornstar, honestly. It's supposed to be a cat outfir. :/

The Daily Challenge

Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play

ok, so
1) Little Bad Girl by David Guetta
2) When you were Young by The Killers
3)Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol
4) Syndicate by The Fray
5) Mambo number 5 by Loui Bega
6) Bedshaped - Keane
7) 4AM forever - Lostprophets
8) My band - Eminem
9)Obsession - Innerpartysystem
10) Boys and Girls - Good charlotte.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

challenge ahoy!

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Well, thats a hard one.
I don't really have any.
All my grandparents died a long time ago.
My father left as well.
My mother.. I never had any pictures taken with her.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Just wanted to share this before my daily update on the challenge..
This is.. Fucking FANTASTIC.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Sorry for waiting this long to announce this, but me and my boyfriend of 9 months have broken up.
Feels strangely weird...
On the one side I'm very happy there's no more fighting.
On the other I feel very lonely.
It was a good relationship, it taught me many things. and believe me when I say the decision to move on is mutial.
Theres futile hope we will get together again, to be honest.
Right now, just bear with me as I get over it, which, knowing myself, will be pretty fast.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My mum could do something like this :) ENJOY <3

So Sorry

Hey guys, I totally forgot about the challenges! So Sorry :(
& I was out having very weird and awkward nights out with Tooka ;)
Btw, people's isnt such a bad club after all, much better music than Angels. Yes, I'm re-discovering Larnaca clubs after two years of being faithful to Nicosia. <3

Right Challenge whatever
A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Omg, that's a very weird one.
I can't think of someone right now. I'll get back to you x

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Win a VS Passport holder!

Right, so, quick update.
This weekend look like it's gonna be a good one ;)
& Ordered a shitload of stuff from VS, waiting for it to arrive.
The first giveaway on my blog!
A Victoria's secret passport cover :)
Just sign up underneath this post or on fb, and exactly in one month, the draw will happen

You might be the lucky one!

just sharing :)

We did this poem in combined studies today, and I felt like I should share it.

I am not yet born; O hear me.
Let not the bloodsucking bat or the rat or the stoat or the
     club-footed ghoul come near me.

I am not yet born, console me.
I fear that the human race may with tall walls wall me,
     with strong drugs dope me, with wise lies lure me,
        on black racks rack me, in blood-baths roll me.

I am not yet born; provide me
With water to dandle me, grass to grow for me, trees to talk
     to me, sky to sing to me, birds and a white light
        in the back of my mind to guide me.
I am not yet born; forgive me
For the sins that in me the world shall commit, my words
     when they speak me, my thoughts when they think me,
        my treason engendered by traitors beyond me,
           my life when they murder by means of my
              hands, my death when they live me.

I am not yet born; rehearse me
In the parts I must play and the cues I must take when
     old men lecture me, bureaucrats hector me, mountains

        frown at me, lovers laugh at me, the white
            waves call me to folly and the desert calls
              me to doom and the beggar refuses
                 my gift and my children curse me.

I am not yet born; O hear me,
Let not the man who is beast or who thinks he is God
     come near me.

I am not yet born; O fill me
With strength against those who would freeze my
     humanity, would dragoon me into a lethal automaton,
        would make me a cog in a machine, a thing with
           one face, a thing, and against all those
              who would dissipate my entirety, would
                 blow me like thistledown hither and
                    thither or hither and thither
                       like water held in the
                          hands would spill me.

Let them not make me a stone and let them not spill me.
Otherwise kill me.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

AA Rasist?

Bit of background - I go to a private english school in Cyprus. Eventhough it's an english school, i is dominated by Cypriots. Every year, the year 6 parades together with the students from other schools on independance day.

Now the problem.
The english kids, being a minority, have all been kicked out from the parade because apparently they didnt walk well enough.
Coincidence? I don't think so.

And what can we do? Complain to teachers? They were the ones that kicked us out. Complain to the deputy? He never gives a shit, he runs around trying to find people to suspend. To the principal? Well, we will try tomorrow.

But I really feel as if there is nothing we can do.

Monday, October 17, 2011


As of next week - yes, next week, I will introduce many very cool new features.
1) I'll be reviewing more clothes, but this time, from online stores
2) I'll actually be giving away my favourite items ( brand new, ofc) to those who win in the draw - all you have to do is enter.
3) I will talk about things that you want - you're welcome to send me a topic and I will review it.
4) Last but not least, a discussion of the month feature is introduced - where we have an open topic for debate.
Thats all for today peeps x

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Dear readers.

It has dawned on me that blog has been up for a month and a bit, and I have over a thousand views. That is amazing.
Thank you all.
I never thought people would be interested to see what I ramble about.
So, a big shout out to the following countries, from where I get my readers:
- Cyprus ( more than 50%) :)
- United States
- Canada
- Ukraine
- Saudi Arabia
- Russia
- Germany
- United Kingdom
- Lebanon
- France
- Pakistan
- Malaysia
- Belgium
- Greece

And there is a special shout out.
Every day, like clockwork, I get a visit from one person in Kuwait. That is seriously amazing, because I knew nothing about that country before my economics project in Oxford. I was very surprised to see how advanced your small country is. So if you are reading this, mysterious reader, hi :)

The shopping thingy

I was asked to do a quick shopping review, and so I am doing it :)

I started out in Prime Timers & Dash, and I was straightaway able to find what I needed. Very fucking skinny black jeans. there were a number of tops I liked as well, like an open-back black one, but I decided to save that for later, as things there a bit pricey. Don't expect anything under 60 euros there. But they are very worth it.

I went down to Guess, and I saw some pretty knitted things there. The big disappointment comes when you try them on - they look very bad, sort of like a knitted bathrobe. They do have a number of nice "boyfriend" cardigans though. No need to mention the amazing bags and purses, you know it.

Next stop was Topshop, and by then I made up my mind about what I needed. I asked the sales assistant to show me something club-like, not black and not baggy ( I really was running out of time, so I couldn't go around myself). Guess what? The first thing pointed out to me was baggy, black and very long. Assuming she was taking the piss I repeated my request, and was immediately produced another, even baggier top. I just left. Saw one nice blazer, but wasn't gonna buy it from there just cause of that woman.

Bershka has always been my favourite. Saw some very worthy jeans there, and nice tops for the winter season. Not quite what I was looking for, but I'll be back.

BSB didn't have what I wanted, and neither did Zara. They believe, for no apparent reason, that baggy / muffin tops are it this season. Are they? Not the ones that I've seen, no. Some very nice flats on the first floor of Zara though, but I bought a pair before and they left blisters, so I'll think twice before buying from there again.

Terranova is another personal favourite. Some pretty looking things there, & I'll definitely return for that "my boyfriend makes me angry" T-shirt.

That's it really. More detailed stuff coming on later, with maybe some other people doing a guest feature on my blog ( reviewing shops).
My blog STILL won't let me upload the pictures. Don't worry, I'll sort it out soon.
Now updates.
Quick shopping update coming soon
untill then.. next challenge!

Something you’re proud of in the past few days

I'm proud of myself in general. I seem to be handling work & schoolwork and social life quite efficiently. Also managed to secure a couple of jobs promoting stuff right here on this blog. I am one happy bunny ;)

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pictures are up!

As I am typing, pictures are being uploaded :D
First facebook , then for a better quality look here, under the photography section.
Guys, there were some HILARIOUS fucking faces. I'm so sorry.
I didnt upload the very bad ones. There still are a couple.
Some were not as good because
- I was slightly drunk
- You were slightly drunk
- Angels has way too many mirrors.

Thank you & hope you enjoy x

Another challenge

10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
ok, lets go.
there's a number of songs I listen to when I'm happy. Mostly dance songs :) Right now though, it would have to be Maroon 5 - Moves like Jagger
James Blunt - Cry
James Blunt - Carry you home
Coldplay - Postcards from far away
Keane - Shadow
(you get my drift)
Electo, Trance, Vocal trance ;)
I dont really listen to anything when I'm mad. I go work out or punch my punching bag. Or go for a run.

Patience is a virtue

Guys, do not worry, I will upload the pictures, but I am not superhuman, I cant do everything in a nanosecond. Monday the latest :)
And that is because I need to edit them, and delete some shitty ones. Yes, there will be bad ones as
1) I was "slightly" drunk
2) Angels has many mirrors and they ruined my flash.

So dont fret, I want u all to look pwetty :)

Friday, October 14, 2011


Due to a number of special requests ( from special people) I have opened up a poetry section. Dont be too harsh on it, I'm uploading stuff I wrote in year 1, 2 and 3.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Just a quick post to remind everyone that our party shall commence tomorrow, at Club Angels.
Doors open at 12, Please bring your ID with you.

There will be two official photographers present - Stella Alexandrou ( inside club) and yours truly ( outside club, later on inside too). We will be taking pictures, and if you want them, it's 1 euro to upload it, 2 euros to print in size A5.
Photos will be uploaded both facebook & this blog, if you want they can be sent to you by email as well.

Thank you & Hope to see you all there <3

To do list, effectively.

Short term goals for this month and why

I need to post more, be more efficient & get all of my work out of the way. This moth has been CRAZY with all the stuff I have to do. Sereously. This is why I haven't posted a lot.

And yeah, SHIT, I need to book a hotel in  Paris, otherwise I'll end up going there and camping out on the street.
Anyone know any good hotels? Inbox me.

And also I need to sort out my French - I've improved a lot but there is still a long way to go.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Challenge seven!

 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

For my own reasons.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Не сходи с ума

Ищу причины остаться здесь, и ищу причины уйти
Ну как в тебе я убить посмею без края веру в любовь
Ну кто тебе я? Страсть, слёзы, Бог, боль?
Ок, я просто исчезну, хочешь? А хочешь, буду звонить?
Канаты рвутся, а между нами и вовсе тонкая нить.
О нас с тобою не снимут фильма, в моём мобильном гудки
Твоей тоски...
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Зачем тебе я? Где я, с кем я, слёзы, боль?
Ок, сегодня останусь, хочешь? А хочешь я пропаду?
Жалеешь после, но поздно просто у сердца на поводу
О нас с тобою не снимут фильма, едва ли это любовь
Я был с тобой...

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Challenge 6

Fave superhero & why

Meh, been a long time since I watched any of this "superhero" movie shite.
There's one person who is my own superhero, in every imaginable way.
And I hope he knows that.

Breaking Free

I'd rather die right now, knowing that I've done what I always wanted; than a hundred years later, knowing that I have betrayed myself.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Vive la Stupidity!

Just mentioning that I can't figure out how to make a poetry section.
So as per tomorrow I'll just post them here.
Hope you wont be too annoyed <3

Places I've been to!

Challenge 05 - name all the places you've been to!

Right, lets start.
- Russia ( Moscow)
- Switzerland
- England
- Scotland
- France
- Holland
- Finland
- Sweden
- Check Republic
- Serbia & Montenegro
- Ukraine
- Italy
- Turkey
- Portugal
- Austria
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Bulgaria
- Norway

It's mostly European countries.
Also, I cannot wait to go to Paris again on the 24th. It's gonna be amazing.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


You know how they say "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"?
Well bullshit.
We all know how we are supposed to look, and dress, and behave.
And that pisses me off.
I don't consider myself beautiful, or sexy, or attractive in many kinds of ways, Yes, I have low self esteem, people close to me know that.
And I have been brought down a lot to support that opinion.
Right now I'm doing something that I actually look down upon, something I never considered doing.
I'm thinking of altering my image to get closer to this little perfection we all have in mind
You think you are unique?
You are, just like everyone else.

Challenge 4 & Poetry announcement

Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Well, ofc, smoking. Then I have a habit of being slightly naive, saying what I really think ( really gets me into shit, always) , and getting attached too easily.

Small announcement ( veeery small announcement)
I shall publish some of my poetry here on this blog - if you are interested visit the poetry section. It's nothing amazing, exept ofcourse for the epic poem written by me, Tooka ( and cntribution from Ms Mallas) in History lesson. :D

But right now, I;m off to catch some zzzzz's

Monday, October 3, 2011

Challenge 3

Day 03 - A picture of you with your friends:

Here you go.

A wasted life.

Let me tell you about another wasted life.
Let me tell you about a person who has died tonight.

He was a well known Russian buisinessman, who was imprisoned by the government who saw an enemy in him.
They wanted to scare him, break him, make him cooperate.
He didn't.
So they "accidentaly" withdrew blood from him with an infected syringe.
He contracted AIDS.
After a year, he was partially blind, had tuberculosis, and kidney cancer.
He still refused to break.
They still refused to let him go.

Today, this brave man has died, and I want to honour him, for standing up against our government.
He has given us hope for a better tomorrow.
May you rest in peace, Vasiliy Alexanyan. May your torturers die screaming, of cancer, like you did.


Friday 14 @ Angels club Larnaca
Entrance 15 euro & two drinks
Come and release your devil to party hard!
Everyone is welcome - as long as you are 17+ ( ID is essential for the night.)
For any information contact me or any other 6th year student. Let the craziest party of the year commence!

Changing my mind

Changing my mind about the Greece trip, we seem to be doing okay.

Off to plan some designs for the party ;)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Apologies, Last nigh & challenge two.

Sorry for not poisting yesterday, I came home feling preety much like this -
Meh, so, you get it :D
Anyhow, Challenge two!                                                               
Day 02- The meaning behind your Blog name
Well, the meaning is random, just like me. I wanted to think of a cathcy name, and thats what my "clever" brain came up with.