May : I promised…
Hello ! would you like a powerful cocktail ?
Sure ! is it really that powerful ?
Haha ! so strong that you will feel like you can’t breathe
She said yes. It began.
Beginning of our story, beginning of an awful bliss,
beginning of your slow goodbye.She was pretty and clever, smiling and nice. She was my girlfriend. I was not mean anymore, I was honest, so was she. She changed me in ways I never thought possible..
Spending time together, imagining our future, we both knew
we were going to last.. Untill one decision changed our lives forever.
Why didn’t I come with you? Why did I let you go there? Why
did I turn a blind eye?
How could one party, one day, one night ruin an entire life?
Was it my fault? His fault? Our fault…
You made the decision to do it , your blood accepted it.
You tried to face me, I turned away.Every single day was hell, I ran away, I was not there; you rejected me, neglected me. I cried but you still remained a prisoner in it’s powerful grip.
Once again, it was over, but this end tortured me, still
tortures me and will keep torturing me.
No rope, I should have cut it.I was there to tell you goodbye, touching this piece of stone, where you slept, cold and grey, sad and angry.
This month of May was beautiful, this goodbye was dreadful.
You jumped, and I stayed motionless. You hung and I looked
You married heroin, a deadly union.
…And I will bring you some flowers, as much as possible.
His girlfriend tragically comitted suicide because she could not cope with her growing addiction to heroin, which her boyfriend found out only a week prior to her death. He is now learning how to re-build his life and let go of the guilt he feels for not being able to stop her.